Thursday, July 31, 2008

Publications about our Library

For information on the initial organization of our library, read
  • Allen, E. and Wolf, M. (2005). To each monk his book: providing access through collection organization at Norcia's new library. Journal of Access Services, 3 (1), 1-16.
For an assessment on the development of our library, read
  • Allen, E. (2006). Ranganathan’s third law and access at Norcia: an assessment. Journal ofAccess Services, 4 (3/4).
One of our librarians was recently featured in The Palm Beach Post newspaper:
Library association leader lives life of many chapters July 30, 2008.

The Spring 2008 issue of the ATLA Newsletter carried a summary of our librarians' December 2007 visit.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tempo Ordinario

Vogüé, Adalbert de
De Saint Pachôme à Jean Cassien : études littéraires et doctrinales
BR1720.P23 V64 1996

Ammassari, Antonio
Il Vangelo di Matteo nella colonna latina del Bezae codex Cantabrigiensis : note di commento sulla struttura letteraria, la punteggiatura, le lezioni e le citazioni bibliche
BS2575.2 .A46 1996

Pellesi, Oscar
Francesco d'Assisi, 1182-1226 : figlio del vento
BX4700.F6 P444 2004

Leclercq, Jean, 1911-
Regards monastiques sur le Christ au Moyen age / A contemplazione di Cristo nel monachesimo medievale
BT198 .L4315 1993

Minutella, Alessandro Maria
Il monaco pastore : San Gregorio Magno
BX1076 .M56 2003

Certose e certosini in Europa : atti del convegno alla Certosa di San Lorenzo Padula, 22, 23, 24 settembre 1988.
BX3315 .C47 1990

De Luca, Erri, 1950-
In nome della madre
PQ4864.E5498 I62 2006

Zolli, Eugenio.
Prima dell'alba / Eugenio Zolli ; a cura di Alberto Latorre.

Svidercoschi, Gian Franco
In cerca del Padre : un posto per Dio nel mondo di oggi
BT140 .B3135 2007

Sobel, Dava.
Galileo's daughter : a historical memoir of science, faith, and love
QB 36 .G2 S65 1999

Lacchini, Angelo & Claudio Toscani (a cura di)
Regina poetarum : poeti per Maria nel Novecento
PQ4219.R5 R44 2004

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Bertolucci, John
On fire with the Spirit
248 .4 .B43 1984

Alberione, James
The Spirit in my life
231.3 .A331 1977

Martinez, Luis M
The Sanctifier
231 .322 .M419 1957

On the Holy Spirit and on prayer : in honor of the First Council of Constantinople, 381
282 .W924 1982 (v.3)

Henry, Antonin Marcel
The Holy Spirit
208 .T97 1960 (v.18)

Bonetti, Angelo
Lo Spirito Santo e la Chiesa : celebrazioni della parola per la novena di Pentecoste, per la preparazione alla festa della Cresima, per catechesi di categoria
231 .3 .B712 1972

Biskupek, Aloysius
Come Creator Spirit
231 .3 .B622 1949

Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan
Theological and dogmatic works
PAT 252 .014 .F3 1963 ( v.44)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Paschal Season 2008

Sermons on the liturgical seasons

PAT 252 .014 .F3 v.38

Bede. Homilies on the Gospels
PAT 252 .6 .B37 1991 v.2

Brown, Raymond Edward
The virginal conception and bodily resurrection of Jesus
232 .5 .B76 1973

Chupungco, Anscar J
Shaping the Easter feast
263 .93 .C53 1992

Congresso internazionale di liturgia. La celebrazione del Triduo pasquale: anamnesis e mimesis: atti del III Congresso internazionale di liturgia
204 .S7 v.102

Egeria. Journal de Voyage (Itineraire): et Lettre sur la Basse Egerie
PAT 281 .1 .S72 v.296

Gaillard, Jean
Holy Week and Easter: a liturgical commentary
264 .021 .G139 1957

Ascetical works
PAT 252 .014 .F3 v.9+

Hamman, A.-G. (Adalbert-G.)
The Paschal mystery: ancient liturgies and patristic texts
264 .0272 .H234 1969

Hendrickx, Herman
The resurrection narratives of the synoptic gospels
232 .97 .H498 1978

John Paul
Easter vigil and other poems
891 .8517 .J65 A5 1979

MacGregor, A. J.
Fire and light in the western triduum: their use at Tenebrae and at the Paschal vigil
LIT 264 .0272 .M147 1992

Maertens, Thierry
Guide for the Christian assembly
264 .0203 .M185 1965

Marsili, Salvatore
Paschale mysterium: studi in memoria dell' abate prof. Salvatore Marsili (1910-1983)
204 .S7 v.91

Nocent, Adrien
The liturgical year
LIT 263 .9 .N756 1977

O'Collins, Gerald
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
232 .97 .O29 1973

Padovano, Anthony T.
Eden and Easter
213 .P3 1974

Raffa, Vincenzo
Liturgia eucaristica: mistagogia della messa: dalla storia e dalla teologia alla pastorale pratica
264 .02008 .R136 1998

Ratzinger, Joseph
Journey towards Easter: retreat given in the Vatican in the presence of Pope John Paul II
269 .692 .R381 1987

Schmemann, Alexander
Great Lent
263 .92 .S36 1974

Stevenson, Kenneth
Verdict on the shroud: evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
232 .966 .S74 1981

The homilies of St. Thomas Aquinas on the epistles and gospels for the Sundays of the Christian year: to which are appended the feast-day homilies
PAT 252 .6 .T62 1996

Zeno. The day has come!: Easter and baptism in Zeno of Verona
252 .014 .A1 A6 1995