Sunday, September 23, 2007

Advent & Christmas

Ardusso, Franco
Gesu di Nazaret e Figlio di Dio?
232 .A677 1980

Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria
On the incarnation: the treatise De incarnatione Verbi Dei
PAT 232.1 .A865 1982

Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany
PAT 281.1 .A35 v.15

Homilies on the Gospels
PAT 252.6 .B37 1991 v.2

Brown, Raymond
An adult Christ at Christmas: essays on the three Biblical Christmas stories
226.2066 .B758 1977

Cassian, John
L'incarnazione del signore
PAT 232.1 .C345 1991

Dickens, Charles
Stories for Christmas
823.83 .D55 1999

Ferrier, Francis
What is the Incarnation?
208 .T97 v.24

Gabriel a Sancta Maria Magdalena
Geheimnis der Gottesfreundschaft: Betrachtungen uber das innere Leben fur alle Tage des Jahres
246 .G118 1960

Guerric of Igny
The Christmas sermons of Bl. Guerric of Igny: An essay
242.994 .G935 1959

Herrera-Oria, Angel
The preacher's encyclopedia
251.02 .H43 1964

Irwin, Kevin
Advent, Christmas: a guide to the Eucharist and Hours
263.91 .I72 1986

Kossoff, David
The Christmas story in masterpieces
755.53 .K6 1981

Leo the Great
Il mistero del Natale
239.3 .L43 1983

Liguori, Alfonso Maria de
The incarnation, birth, and infancy of Jesus Christ: or, The mysteries of the faith
237.003 .A56 A5 v.4

Maertens, Thierry
Guide for the Christian assembly
264.0203 .M185 1965

Nocent, Adrien
The liturgical year
236.9 .N756 1977

Parsch, Pius
The Church's year of grace
LIT 263.9 .P266 1953

Rand, Christopher
Christmas in Bethlehem
263.91509 .R33 1963
Ratzinger, Joseph
Sul Natale
Provisional, Pope Benedict XVI, 0130

Schonborn, Christoph von
The mystery of the Incarnation
232.1 .S381 1992

Tyndale, William
A medieval Christmas
226.2052 .M489 1996

Zink, Jorg
Lichter und Geheimnisse: Gedanken zur Menschenwerdung
242.33 .Z78 1976